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Director Message

I am very honored to present you my Auditing and Accounting firm “Jatin Johar & Associates“, fruit of a long academic and professional course. During which I audited national and multinational companies in different sectors (agribusiness, service, trading, industrial, import / export, associations, …). During my experience in a big international audit firm, I led several audit missions (financial audit, operational …), tax and legal advice and Due Diligence. This allowed me to have a solid background for the second part of my career in the Finance Department of several companies. As Finance Controller and Finance Manager, I had the chance to know all the aspects of the Finance Department Management of companies and manage the related working teams. This change from Auditor’s position to Audited position, allowed me to fully understand the needs of my clients and the possible reactions of their employees. Benefit from the full support of our experts “The Best Financial Support“.
An admission by us is the stepping stone to a great career move. Our associated colleges/university have dedicated faculties who have come together as an intellectual community to build a rich innovative teaching methodology. Bringing the frontiers of corporate world to the campus, they set high standard of academic vigor which will be beneficial to students to pass out to move for further study. College infrastructure, Wi-Fi enabled classrooms and the interactive smart boards in class makes learning a truly Enriching world-class experience.

Jatin Johar
Jatin Johar and Associates